Cowboy Pizzas
Serves 2
Preparation time 10 min
Cooking time 10 min

- 2 medium potatoes, sliced
- 1/2 - 1 tablespoon water
- 2 ripe tomatoes, chopped
- 1/2 green capsicum, seeded and chopped
- 4 black olive, pitted and quartered
- 1/4 cup grated Mozarella Cheese
- Lay potato on a round microwave safe plate
- Sprinkle with water, cover with cling film and microwave on HIGH (100%) for 5-6 minutes or until tender
- Drain well on paper towels
- Overlap potato slices on a plate to form a pizza base
- Cover with tomato, capsicum and olives
- Sprinkle with cheese and microwave on HIGH (100%) for 3-4 minutes until heated through and cheese has melted